We at the Chapel have experienced and know the infinite power of prayer.

In our Chapel Services and our personal prayers we ask for God's help in our lives and the lives of others that have asked for our prayers

We have listed here those that have requested that we pray for them and the situations that they are in, may we please ask you to pray for them also?

If you would like a name added to the list, be it yours or another's please contact us at pjdoodes@hotmail.com 

 Philippians 4:6-7   Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Your prayers are asked for:

Gareth, that his recent surgery will be successful.


Enid, Please pray that she will eventually settle in her new home and that her memory will not deteriorate too quickly


Little Eloise. 

 It is now 5 years since she had major surgery and thanks to all of your prayers she is at the moment cancer free and doing well.  Please pray that she continues her remarkable recovery and enjoys her childhood to the full. 


For Ed who is going through a very difficult time at the moment but won't accept help.  Please pray that he will let those around him help him.


For Paul, recently diagnosed with cancer


For Matthew, who is recovering from drug addiction. 


Roger - Thanks to your prayers, he is now back to his old self! 

For Ben, that his speech will return to normal soon
Michael - who is inexplicably loosing weight and feeling very tired and cold.

For Monie - please pray that Our Lord will tell her what she should do regarding her health issues


Bob: We thank you for your prayer card and will be praying for you.
Please pray for Richard and family
And please remember in your prayers those that love and care for these, and so suffer with them.

If you wish your name, or something of concern to be included in our monthly prayer video, please post a request in the Chapel letterbox.